Thursday, January 30, 2014

The State of the Union

As no blog post has been written regarding the State of the Union on Tuesday, I thought that I might take the opportunity to. But first at little background on the State of the Union. This annual address, delivered by the current President, details the state of the country and is commonly used to outline the Commander-in-Chief's agenda for the coming year. On Tuesday, Obama's speech was divided into three distinct sections; the economy, the conclusion of military operations and a domestic initiatives.

A short but sweet summary of the hour long affair:
The President's main points concerning the economy involved increasing the minimum wage and called for Congress to end the sequestration cuts. In regards to domestic initiatives, Obama mentioned the number of students in debt trouble and pushed for immigration reform. Finally, he commented on the end of US military action Iraq and Afghanistan as well as the support from Congress for the continued talks with Iran.

Some food for thought:


1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed that you watched it.

    Ironically, I was just watching some of the state of the union address on the Colbert report:
