Sunday, January 26, 2014

World War 1 vs World War 2

This post is going to be very short but I want to propose a question.

In the 20th century to wars plagued our planet. The First World War and the Second World War. Both these conflicts can be seen as the greatest conflicts in human history. But the question I propose is which was a more catastrophic disaster? What do you guys think?


  1. I think that WWII was worse because more innocent civilians were murdered than in WWI, but I guess everyone will have their own opinion on this question because everyone views the wars from a different perspective.

  2. I agree with you Jenna. I think that WWII was more catastrophic overall due to casualties, the advancement of technology, and how this technology was put to use. Ideas that had never been seen in warfare before, or if so very reluctantly, were not only introduced, but were used in ways that became almost cruel. The atomic bomb, used to bomb civilian cites. The Japanese military strategy of "death before surrender", even for civilians. Hitler's concentration camps - even Japanese internment camps in the U.S. All of it seems so drastic to us now, some of it even cruel, but that's the reality of war. ALL wars are catastrophic, as all result in the loss of human lives on a massive scale, but I think it's safe to say that WWII was one of the most sobering wars the world has experienced.

  3. I agree that WWII was a more catastrophic disaster due to the casualties. There was a lot of propaganda given to the Japanese to make them believe in death before surrender. The island hopping was extremely high in casualties due to suicides, fighting til the end, and the beach landings. There were overall just more people involved. Many powerful countries were fully involved in this was which just leads to more deaths. Even though trench warfare was avoided, killing was just made easier by the new age of machines.

  4. For America specifically, WWII was by far the greater war, and some may even argue beneficial. Unlike WWI, in which the U.S. was humiliated in the postwar proceedings when Wilson's League of Nations couldn't even be ratified by the Senate, WWII improved America's economy and prestige tremendously. As we have already studied, WWII helped end the Great Depression, provided employment to millions, and made America a global leader economically. After the war, as we will learn in the coming months, America became a top global powerhouse. While WWI resulted in a catastrophe, WWII resulted in a blessing for America.

  5. Some food for thought:

    Although both wars involved many powers, World War Two was more of a global war. Whereas WWI was mostly focused in Europe, WWII spread throughout the globe, and a greater number of global powers participated. I think WWII directly impacted practically every part of the world, far more than WWII

    Another interesting thing to consider, which Ashley touched on a bit when she mentioned the development in technology and killing power, is that fact that WWI may still be considered tha last "gentleman's war," meaning that it was fought with the ideals of the battles of ancient times, where both armies would line up across from each other and fight a battle (seen in trench warfare). WWII was more of a "kill anything that moves" affair.

    Lastly, there was only limited occupation defeated countries after WWI, whereas after WWII, the entire governmental infrastructure of countries like Germany and Italy collapsed. There was military presence for years.

    Considering these factors, I would have to agree with the above comments that WWII was the more catastrophic war. While WWII was the most disastrous war in history when it occurred, WWII surpassed it on that scale.
