Saturday, April 19, 2014

60 Years After Brown v. Board of Education

Michelle Obama is planning to speak at a high school graduation event in the Kansas capital city.  She will be recognizing the 60th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education.  As we have learned in class, the landmark decision in de-segregation finally provided solid legal ground and led to federal support for de-segregation.  After Brown v. Board of Education there was still strong resistance against de-segregation, but there was also strong support.  The Little Rock Nine exemplifies the federal government enforcing de-segregation despite state resistance.

Although encouraging students and reminding us of how far we have come are honorable intentions, some of the Topeka school community is upset over Obama's planned speech.  They are concerned about the tight limits on graduates bringing friends and family due to limited seating.  Those against Obama's appearance argue that the high school graduation is about friends and family, not Michelle Obama.

What are your thoughts? Would you be willing to have Michelle Obama speak at our high school graduation if that meant less seating for your friends and family?

For more information, here's an article I referenced


  1. I think that is a hard question to answer, because it is really a question of whether it is better to perpetuate the greater good or your own personal happiness. On the one hand you have the memorialization of a historically and currently significant court ruling, which is a present force for good in many american's lives today. On the other hand you have your own personal happiness to consider, and the happiness of your family when they are able to find seating at your graduation. Now you would have to weigh the significance of this particular memorializing speech and the good it would do with the relative good it would do for your family to be able to attend your graduation. Personally I would decide on having my family come to my graduation, because while the memorialization of the Brown v. Board of education ruling is an important thing, there is not as much racism in the world today. Also the memorialization of the case can be done at some other location and have just as much of an effect.

  2. I would rather have celebrate graduation and the anniversary on different days. I feel like people who want to go to the graduation should been able to enjoy it as if it were any other school today.
