Tuesday, April 15, 2014

AP Exam Practice

Hey guys! I was on the CollegeBoard website today and came across some example multiple choice questions, and thought they might be helpful for studying. Enjoy!

Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements is followed by five suggested answers or completions . Select the one that is best in each case .

1 . Alexander Hamilton’s economic program was designed primarily to
(a) prepare the United States for war in the event Britain failed to vacate its posts in the Northwest
(b) provide a platform for the fledgling Federalist Party’s 1792 campaign 
(c) establish the financial stability and credit of the new government 
(d) ensure northern dominance over the southern states in order to
abolish slavery 
(e) win broad political support for his own candidacy for the presidency in 1792

2 . The development of the early nineteenth-century concept of “separate spheres” for the sexes encouraged all of the following EXCEPT
(a) accepting women as intellectual equals of men 
(b) idealizing the home as a haven in a competitive world 
(c) designating the home as the appropriate place for a woman 
(d) emphasizing childrearing as a prime duty of a woman 
(e) establishing a moral climate in the home

3 . The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, the Hartford Convention, and the South Carolina Exposition and Protest were similar in that all involved a defense of
(a) freedom of the seas 
(b) freedom of speech 
(c) the institution of slavery 
(d)    states’ rights 
(e) presidential power in foreign affairs

4 . The graph above refutes which of the following statements?
(a) There were more Black people than White people in the antebellum South. 
(b) Most southern families held slaves . 
(c) Most southern families lived in rural areas . 
(d)    The southern population was much smaller than that of the North .
(e) Slaveholders were an extremely powerful group . 

5 . Frederick Jackson Turner’s “frontier hypothesis” focused on the importance of
(a) the traditions of western European culture 
(b) the absence of a feudal aristocracy 
(c) Black people and Black slavery 
(d)    the conflict between capitalists and workers 
(e) the existence of cheap unsettled land

6 . During the closing decades of the nineteenth century, farmers complained about all of the following EXCEPT
(a) rising commodity prices 
(b) high interest charges 
(c) high freight rates 
(d)    high storage costs
(e) large middleman profits

7 . The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine did which of the following?
(a) Prohibited United States intervention in the Caribbean . 
(b) Warned against European seizure of the Panama Canal . 
(c) Sought to end the wave of nationalization of American-owned property in the
Caribbean . 
(d) Declared the United States to be the “policeman” of the Western Hemisphere . 
(e) Provided United States military support for democratic revolutions in Latin America .

8 . One of the principal reasons the “noble experiment” of Prohibition failed was that it led to an enormous increase in
(a) drinking among minors
(b) absenteeism among factory workers 
(c) the divorce rate 
(d) child abuse 
(e) law enforcement challenges

9 . Brown v . Board of Education of Topeka was a Supreme Court decision that
(a) was a forerunner of the Kansas-Nebraska Act 
(b) established free public colleges in the United States 
(c) declared racially segregated public schools inherently unequal 
(d) established free public elementary and secondary schools in the United States 
(e) provided for federal support of parochial schools

10 . Joseph McCarthy’s investigative tactics found support among many Americans because
(a) evidence substantiated his charges against the army 
(b) there was widespread fear of communist infiltration of the United States 
(c) both Truman and Eisenhower supported him 
(d)     he worked closely with the FBI 
(e) he correctly identified numerous communists working in the State

Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions
1–C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B, 5-E, 6-A, 7-D, 8-E, 9-C, 10-B

More sample questions can be found at: http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-us-history-course-description-2010.pdf


  1. These questions are really useful for studying purposes. I appreciate your giving to us the link to more of them.

  2. Thanks Ashley! Great review questions!

  3. Thanks so much for this! I know that you gave us a link to more sample questions, but I was just wondering if anybody knows if there is a full past USHAP exam released by the college board available for practice? I am just wondering as last year in MEHAP my teacher gave us an actual multiple ap exam to do for practice and I seem to find it online.

  4. No problem guys! Katheline, I'm pretty sure there are practice exams available if you go to collegeboard and look them up...they may even be under the link I included, but I'm not entirely sure, as I focused on the multiple choice examples. Hope that helps!
