Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Conscious Meditation

Hi Fellow USAHPers If you were having trouble finding out what you wanted to do for your mission statement or unsure exactly what your PPP project should be about I have a great easy technique to help you out with that. The great technique of Conscious Meditation is one great way you can find yourself... through enlightenment. I learned this at summer camp and although it is a little cheesy, if you are having trouble, this would be a great way to figure out what you desire. There is nothing you will need besides yourself, an open mind, and a quiet space. When starting your Conscious Meditation, you should reflect on your goals, who you are and what you want to become, because once you have started your meditation you can further develop these thoughts into your coherent PPP project. This will only take a few steps and will take you on a great journey of the mind and body and hopefully will make you figure out exactly what you want.

Step 1: Breathing

First get into a comfortable sitting position and imagine an energy field, very similar to one in physics. Close your eyes. When you imagine this field, visualize all points of force pointing inwards, towards the center of your body. Imagine the sun and the energy it gives off and transfer that into you. Control your breathing starting with the bottom of your belly. As you breath in fill your belly first, and then move on to your chest and lungs. This should feel like a gentle wave. take long, at least 15 second breaths and make sure they are uniform so eventually you can forget that you are even controlling your breathing and it is natural. Breath through both your nose, and feel the power and that it transfers to your body. With every breath, let the stress and worries come from your brain all the way down to your feet, getting soaked up by the ground.

Step 2: Relaxation

First relax your facial muscles. You may have not noticed but your face has been tense during the day so let it go. First start with your forehead, then the eyebrows, continue to the eyes, and finally end with the cheeks and mouth. Slowly move down your body, from your neck to your toes, until you finally feel that you are ready to explore your meditative state.

Step 3: Start your journey

Get in touch with your inner joy, remind yourself of what you have completed that day. Remember that we are not perfect, forget about what you did wrong or could have done better because it does not matter anymore. Remind yourself of what you have accomplished and what you plan to accomplish in the future. Be sure to remind yourself of what makes you, you, and visualize what you do that makes you happy. Your friends, family, activities that all bring joy to your life and slowly bring them into the center of your body.

Step 4: Continue

Imagine a flower on top of a mountain with a snow capped peak. It is alone and perfect, unique. Although the wind blows strong and snow and rain may bombard the flower, it still stands. Like the flower, you may endure hardships and difficulties in your life, you will stand tall and continue to grow. With every breath move higher and higher into the atmosphere. Continue instill you reach the edge of the atmosphere. Look back at the earth and acknowledge its great qualities as well as its faults. Realize that you cannot fix everything and no matter what you do you are not in control of many things. Although the earth may be big, you still have a importance and realize that you are important because without you in the earths puzzle, it would not be complete.

Step 5: Finish your Journey

Continue up instill you are engulfed in the stars. Visualize a silhouette of yourself within the stars. Imagine all the things you hate, the people you dislike, and things you wish you could take back. These things are still apart of you, and thus are contained in your silhouette. Now remember everything that makes you happy. Your favorite songs, favorite foods, favorite things to do and put these inside your silhouette. Now visualize everything you want to complete, everything you desire, and what kind of person you want to become and put this around your silhouette. for each breath, take one thing you hate away and replace it with what you desire to become. Continue until you have completely filled your silhouette with everything you love and wish to complete. Finally, walk slowly into your silhouette and when you are ready, open your eyes.

This is just an idea for the project if you need help. It really worked for me so if you are open to it enough I am sure it will work for you as well. Do you guys have any great techniques to finding your mission statement or priorities and values etc? please comment any ideas you have

1 comment:

  1. Very Interesting Dean. Although it may not be relevant to purely academic pursuits, it does have many practical applications to life in general. I do not claim to be an expert, but I did actually try this method and much to my surprise I was considerably more calm about the project.
