Saturday, May 10, 2014

Review: Establishment of the Colonies

As we review for the AP test, I thought I would post a little review of some important terms and things to know from the colonial era.  Hopefully this helps.

  • Virginia Company (joint stock company) funded Jamestown expedition.
    • Jamestown=earliest permanent English settlement
    • nearly collapsed because English Gentlemen didn't know how to use their hands or grow crops.
  • House of Burgesses=first representative legislative body in British North America
    • In Virginia
    • At first, all free adult men could vote.  Later on, it became more exclusive.
  • John Rolfe first planted tobacco in virginia in 1612
    • exported to Europe where it became very popular
    • was the means by which Virginia colonists thrived economically
  • Georgia was initially founded as a buffer state between South Carolina and Spanish Florida.
  • New England colonies=more driven by religious reasons than economic gain.
    • first New England settlers=devout Puritans
  • Mayflower Compact:  called for orderly government by consent of the governed
    • established Plymouth
    • Drawn up by Separatists who came on Mayflower
  • Rhode Island-->founded by devout puritan
    • characterized by separation of church and state
  • Dutch establish New Amsterdam, later known as New York
  • Pennsylvania-->established for Quakers
    • Philadelphia was initially greater that New York as a commercial center

There is more to come.  My next post will be about the developement of the colonies.

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