Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Artist in Him: President George Walker Bush

⚠This is a fun post for those of you who spend your time on the blog.
Have you ever wondered what presidents do after their term(s) is/are over?
Sure, they can jump right back to politics. But why not spend time and discover hidden talents?
President George W. Bush(the son) is setting a great example for the future presidents of this country.
He found another side of him after his presidency was over in 2009.
The artistic side.

President Bush set up a gallery full of portraits(drawn by him, of course) of world leaders in Texas.
Recognize this person? It sure is Vladimir Putin.

To see more, you can click on this link:



  1. Nice post Joanne! It's always interesting to learn more about the person behind the president. Its funny, because we learned about how many of the presidents (like Teddy Roosevelt) were into "tough" and "manly" activities like sports but here is a man not afraid to embrace his artistic side.

  2. It's interesting that President George sets an example that one does not need to be always politically active even if one was the president.

  3. I remember reading this article earlier, and am glad to see the link on this blog. It's interesting to see how many presidents were quite "artistic." This link contains many images of presidential doodles, which may or may not be more pleasing to the eye than the work of President Bush.
