Wednesday, September 18, 2013

If you don't have time to read the chapters for the American Pageant, I found a link with class notes and practice quizzes.

One chapter is like 5 pages of notes so i'd only recommend this if you really don't have time to read


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A lot of people have told me about these outlines they have found online. As far as really learning the material, has anyone found this helpful? How are people using these to study for tests? I have been reading the full chapters, and still been struggling on the tests. I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to use the outlines to supplement (not replace) the nightly reading in an effective way. Again, I still want and need to do the reading, but I often struggle with knowing what to focus on when taking and reviewing my notes. Thanks.

  3. Sam, I agree that the notes shouldn't replace the reading, but try using it as another medium of information. Reading the same textbook 3 times isn't going to be very useful in terms of retention. However, if you read the American Pageant once, pay attention to the videos in class, look over notes online, read the blogs on this site, watch the videos Zach suggested on Youtube, etc.; it will be very helpful. All of these mediums cover the same information but provide different perspectives. Without even thinking about it, you will actually be able to retain more information.

  4. I agree with Ashwin, I use the outlines only as a refresher before the tests or to check if I missed something I didn't put on my notes that I took from reading the book myself.
