Thursday, September 12, 2013

Is John Calhoun a high elf? (Philosophically speaking)

People give Calhoun a lot of credit for being a driving voice in congress, pushing for Southern ideals, and some say, giving wind to the ideas of secession. A former war-hawk during the period of war 1812, he really emulates some high elf qualities. (Besides of course the unnaturally striking physical resemblance). Just as the Thalmor Confederacy, only being a minority group, of what some call radicals, is much like John C Calhoun's situation. Calhoun drove for a majority balance in which the minority voters were given a much stronger stance, being able to veto an kind of offensive move by the apposing party.
The trend we tend to see is that Calhoun was more of a state-led kind of guy, and highly opposed Jackson's high tarriffs on imports. Caring little for whether the Northern manufacturers survived or not, it seemed though Calhoun had a more direct and narrow interest in the agricultural and rural people, who suffered from these tarriffs. (Although not as much as the international shippers) The Thalmor also hoped to expand the reach of the Aldmeri Dominion, by openly trading with the Khajit and Wood Elves, they strived to benefit their people more than the less impressive Thalmor production, which was certainly limited.


  1. Very creative way to relate history to elf-lore! Really interesting to read, and entertaining too! Great idea!

  2. Interesting how all elves (and I suppose John C. Calhoun) are beginning to resemble the elves from the Lord of the Rings movies (Liv Tyler notwithstanding, of course).

    My apologies to Hugo Weaving and Orlando Bloom.
