Monday, September 30, 2013

Shutdown of Government?

This may have no real significance in 19th century history or what we have talked about today regarding the Manifest Destiny, but the government will shut down in less than an hour if Congress fails to pass a bill at Washington D.C.

If you want to know more about this here's a link that shows the possible effects of a government shut down and implications:

1 comment:

  1. As far as a connection to the 19th century goes, I think the debate over the Compromise of 1850 is similar to this recent shutdown. The reason why the government shut down is that the Senate and House of Representatives could not come to a consensus. This is because Senate is comprised of a majority of Democrats, while the House of Representatives has a majority of Republicans, causing each to veto each other's ideas. Similarly, the Compromise of 1850 could not be voted on as a whole, so it was broken into 5 parts. As it so happened, each original part was voted on by either the North or South since they were so well balanced in terms of representation. The middle, more neutral states, would usually vote with the majority, thus causing the original compromise to pass, yet not really be a compromise. To recap, the correlation between the recent shutdown and the Compromise of 1850 would be that the balanced representation of opposing political parties makes it really difficult for anything to be passed,.since nobody wants to give in to the opposing party, giving them an advantage.
