Tuesday, May 13, 2014

REA Review book. must know terms part B. (1865-present)

IV. Industrial America, 1865-1917
20. Jim Crow Laws- post Civil war laws and customs designed to discriminate against African Americans
21. Social Gospel - 19th century reform movement based on Christian belief that they had a responsibility to confront social problems.
22. Gospel of Wealth- Belief that the rich were the guardians of society's wealth and had a duty to serve society in humane ways. Andrew Carnegie was the foremost advocate of the Gospel of Wealth
23. Social Darwinism- Belief that there is a natural evolutionary process by which the fittest will survive.  Wealthy business and industrial leaders used this to justify their success.
24. Frontier Thesis- The argument by historian Frederick Jackson Turner that the frontier experience helped make American society more democratic.
25. New Immigrants- Massive wave of immigrants that came to America 1880-1924.  These immigrants were primarily from Southern and Eastern Europe.
26. Nativism- Nativism favored the interests of native born people over the interest of immigrants.
27. Muckrakers- Early 20th century journalists that exposed illegal business practices, social injustices, and corrupt political bosses.
28. Taylorism- System of scientific management developed by Frederick W. Taylor which sought to develop a disciplined labor force by eliminating wasted motion.
29. Vertical Integration- When a company controls both the production and distribution of its product. Example: Andrew Carnegie
30. Horizontal Integration- When one company gains control over other companies that produce the same product
1917-1945 Roaring Twenties- End of WWII
31. Hoovervilles- Slums or shantytowns inhabited by unemployed and homeless people during the Great Depression
32. Laissez-Faire Economics- Economic philosophy stating that economic activities should be largely free of government interference.
33. Isolationism- U.S. foreign policy calling for Americans to avoid entangling political alliances.
VI. Modern America, 1945-Present
34. Containment- U.S. Cold War foreign policy designed to contain or block the spread of Soviet influence.  George F. Kennan very important to the beginning of this.
35. McCarthyism- The public accusations of disloyalty and communism without a lot of evidence.  Similar to the Salem Witch Trials.
36. Domino Theory- The belief that if one country falls to Communism, its neighbors will also be infected and fall to Communism.  Example: fall of South Vietnam would lead to the loss of all of Southeast Asia.
37. Massive Retaliation- Military doctrine associated with President Eisenhower to retaliate with massive force in the event of an attack by the Soviet Union.
38. Black Power- Movement of 1960s by African Americans to establish control of their political and economic life.  Key advocates: Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, and Huey Newton.
39. Hawks and Doves- Hawks supported U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War and believed involvement should be increased.  On the other hand the Doves opposed the Vietnam War and believed that U.S. should withdraw.
40. Detente- Relaxation of tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Union.  Introduced by Henry Kissinger and Nixon.  Example: SALT Talks
41. Reaganomics- Economic policies of Ronald Reagan, a.k.a. supply-side economics.  Wanted to promote growth and investment by deregulating business, reducing corporate tax rates, and lowering federal tax rates for upper and middle income Americans.

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