Sunday, November 10, 2013

Historical and Present Political Realignment

Something to ponder (and to open up the scope to a wider focus)...

The Election of 1896 represented a political realignment.  From 1896-1932 the Democratic Party would only win the Presidency one in a straight up non-splinter party election (1916, in 1912 the Republicans split due to the Taft-Roosevelt Saga).  The Democratic Party thus became marginalized in terms of the Presidency and was limited to influence in Congress in the Federal Government.

For kicks and giggles (depending on who you ask) you could focus on the original Hamilton-Jefferson Debate as the emergence of the first party system, a realignment in 1824, another in 1860, 1896, 1932 and then the debate rages about 1968 or 1980 or 1992...and on.

This process of realignment occurs throughout American history and occurs at national, state and local levels.  Some have argued over the last 10-15 years in California there has been a distinct realignment.  Again the surface may look different than the reality (remember, we just covered the Gilded Age).

Here's a local story from the Mercury News.  Might give some perspective (at least concerning California).

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